School History
The current school is the fourth National school to have been built in Ardagh since the 1830s.
The first school, dating from the 1830s was at Ardvone, Ardagh, according to Griffith's Valuation. A Garda barracks was later built on this site and was destroyed by fire in the 1960s. According to Martin Ambrose of Dunganville, this first school did not attract the full support of the Catholic population as it was deemed to be a proselytising school that hoped to convert children to the Protestant faith.
The second school was at a site opposite Drew's near the current social housing complex. There is also mention that a school operated at this time at what is now Danaher's stables. This could have been a private operation.
The third school was built in 1894 at Ministerland, Ardagh and since its closure as a school in 1964 it has become Ardagh's Community Hall.
The present day school was built on lands donated by John T. Langford who also provided the community playing field which is used by the school today.
The school was opened in 1964 with five classrooms, a staff room, an office and shelters for the boys and girls. In 1969 it amalgamated with Ballyloughane NS which required the building of three extra classrooms.
Up to 1972, the school was divided into separate boys and girls schools, each with their own Principal and assistants.